valera spanish goats

Uno was just a kid, and was scheduled to be eaten for dinner by his owner. Specializing in organic raising Spanish Goats of the Valera bloodline. The next kidding will be Valera over Baylis does. Top Quality registered stock, pricing based on quality. They began efforts to coordinate with the plantation owners and local residents to capture some representatives of the herd before predators wiped out the population. Market weight is reached approximatelyat 16 weeks. The majority of Muddy Run does tend to kid together within a two-week period. Starting in 1995, Muddy Run Farm has been breeding Spanish uninterruptedly. Call 303-882-6259 or Posted March 22, 2022 Alva, Florida: SGR GOLD Certified Breeder Paul Persaud at Sunsplash Farms, LLC has 2021 Pure Spanish Goat Billies available. He continued to maintain his herd, but suffered a great loss when roaming dogs killed off the remaining herd of over 100 goats.There are now approximately 75 Baylis goats remaining.History of Baylis herd from Justin Pitts, Gurney Davis, and Phil Sponenberg, January 2008. Required Bill of Sale ~ Breeder ID Application ~ DNA Spreadsheet. That was before the Stock Laws took effect in Mississippilivestock wasnt required to be in fenced pastures back then, and farmers allowed their stock to roam freely. Barron's Spanish Goat Farm Valera Spanish Goats, Demorest, Georgia. The adults are medium in size weighing between 100-200 lbs. longer running the Sawyer Bloodline. They were Kensings first goats. Despite a nannys conformation, she is no good without a live kid. It also reinforces the decision to keep raising Fullblood Spanish goats, as they are such a valuable component of the enterprise which has been successful for over 17 years.Story by Yvonne Zweede-Tucker, Fall 2008, Named after Tom and Meta Syfan, Mountain Home, Texas. Some of the most prominent characteristics are: high frequency of pregnancies, great maternal instincts, hardiness, and essential good health.Goats at Muddy Run Farm have access to pasture year round. If there isand sometimes there areany goat which needs more frequent trimming, this is done at de-worming or feeding time (when the goats are easier to catch at the feeder). Welcome to Hidden Hollow Valera, verified breeders and proud members of the Spanish Goat Association. I'm looking to sell 7 exposed pairs for $1,200 and a bull for $1,500. He began raising fullblood Spanish goats in Eastabutchie, Mississippi when he was a boy. Outside the winter season, the goats are fed the mixed feed while lactating. The fleece strand of six inches and longer makes for a nice workable length. . April/May 2022 kids ~ CDT, Rabies, trained with LDG & Hotwire. He finds the Boer meat to be fattier, and the Spanish meat has a notably different flavor which he prefers, as do many of his friends.Bode began raising Fullblood Spanish goats in the early 1960s. After the successful trial run with their wethers, the Morefields decided to become breeders in 2003, with cashmere as their primary goal.The Morefield breeding herd started with cashmere does from Chris McGuire, via Kathryn Cooper, a former cashmere breeder in Southern Ohio. The llamas came to the farm in early 2000 as guard animals for the goats. The does could successfully feed their young, even the quintuplets. That initial selection has served us well, as its plain to see the variety, hardiness, and survival sense in our goat herd. Many Texans lease their land to deer hunters, and Syfan is among them, so the Akbash is not his first choice. Two 2021 purebred rams available. At Redrange Farm we believe in regenerative, sustainable farming, leaving the smallest possible carbon footprint. They do not breed for meat, and prefer a brown coat to black.Morefield nannies grow to be about 90-110 lbs., the billies have grown up to 200 lbs but are usually around 175 lbs. These older goats kid just as often but usually only have one kid. Contact for pricing. Eastabutchie is in the Pineywoods region in Mississippia hot, humid, region that is only rarely snowy in the winter, and the land is covered in pine trees. Three Springs Ranch ~ Athens, AL. We believed that word of mouth, customer satisfaction, and reputation were key, Sonora, TX. Kensing has worked hard to control the cacti and Mesquite on his ranch. The does have tight udders, avoiding scratches and scrapes that prevent kids from nursing. Coyotes have, in the past, killed one third of the population of the herd. They then added the now-famous Cocoa from the Wood herd as a herd sire. The goal was to rescue some goats, breed them off-island to increase the numbers, to conserve as many genes as possible, and to bring these rare genetics back into the hands of goat ranchers once the population is large enough.In 2010, working with local residents, the ALBC caught five nannies and buck from the Lowcountry feral herd and plans to continue the captures in 2011. The 82-acre farm is located in the Missouri Ozarks. She passed away on September 26, 2010. Roosters will average around 9 1/2 lbs while the Hens average 7 1/2 lbs live weight. The amounts of feed given depend on the kidding and pregnancies of the herd. Their diet is naturalthe land offers Live Oak, Shin Oak, and many varieties of brush. They also raise Savanna and Savanna-cross goats, but the Papes keep the different breeds on separate ranches in the area. All are in very good condition. They are Baylis/Valera line and they are very entertaining. The heavycashmere helps keep these goats in good body condition during the winter months. The Fullblood Spanish Goat bloodline designation is used to identify a goat as Fullblood Spanish without the need for verification of the actual bloodlines that created the goat. Topper (11/8/2021) has grown well on his mother's rich milk (directlyfrom the cow) and natural pasture/hay diet. In recent years these became the main predators for the Lowcountry herd, and the hogs were joined by alligators and the wild cats of the region. Edwin also said, We made it a point to never waver, from our belief that the quality of our herd was paramount, that we would never sell anything, that we wouldnt want to keep for ourselves if we could, and to constantly strive for, improvement. Consultation provided for starter flocks including pairing of rams with ewes of different bloodlines suitable for a starter flock (and new shepherd!). We do not practice any sort of Bloodline breed up. We currently have around 15 bucklings available for sale. The goats could eat brush and required very little maintenance. $3,000 Have been trained and shown as calves and yearlings. Spanish are known for being parasite and disease resistant, promoting longevity. Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears. On the coast of South Carolina, on a plantation that dates back to our founding families, is a small river island, home to the Lowcountry herd. They then brought back in the grandson of the original Spanish Valera buck. When that enterprise was abandoned, coastal grasses, brush, and trees grew up on the island. Make sure to specify that you want Verified/SGR DNA Registerable Spanish Goats and request a Required Bill of Sale. The island was used as a rice paddy that was farmed until the 1911. Colors vary widely, and no specific color indicates cross breeding. If there isand sometimes there areany goat which needs more frequent trimming, this is done at de-worming or feeding time (when the goats are easier to catch at the feeder). Offspring billies from the herd became the new herd sires. $35.00 each. Kidding times have been June and December, with some changes through the years. If quality hay is not available, supplements of 16-20% protein are recommended. History of Weinheimer Ranch by Chism Weinheimer, November 2008. Goats at Muddy Run Farm have access to pasture year round. In the past three years hes caught 120 bobcats, 400 raccoons, and about 100 foxes, which not only benefits kid survival, but is also a fun and profitable hobby. Peter and Rosa keep the buck in with the does year-round as they believe its easier to keep them all together and that the herd is happier. Has nice set of horns coming in. It is import to check them over when unloading and make sure they do not have a temperature, runny eyes, runny nose or diarrhea. Joe Preston & Sarah Neely, Jane Davis-, Sawyer, and Edwin Sawyer raised the Sawyer Bloodline Spanish goats for decades behind their. The availability of rocky surfaces in the area ensures that there is never any need for hoof trimming.Buyers of their Spanish goats usually want weaned kids that are 3050 lbs., and want them at different times of the year. Photographs and videos can support the Verification process but SGLLC is committed to legitimate tracking of breeder to seller in order to ensure the purity of the goats genetics. The goats avoid eating the latter, but they will sometimes tiptoe in to eat the Prickly Pear fruit. Most of our sales take place at the farm. About - Highland Goats We have a foundation herd we are proud to own and raise. However, as the President for the American Meat Goat Association, Shurley is able to stay well-informed on the studies and trends of meat goats in the United States. Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears. This means the nannies had to have only two sound teats, with good utter structure, kid and, raise the kids on the range, and the nannies were not culled until they lost their soundness around, ten years. They are smart, noisy and affectionate. At 5 months old, winner of his age group and 2nd place overall Leicester rams at 2021 Wisconsin Sheep and Wool. Contact Karen at big-creek@msn.comor phone 319-389-9647. If there isand sometimes there areany goat which needs more frequent trimming, this is done at de-worming or feeding time (when the goats are easier to catch at the feeder). It is amazing to see the affection the new mothers give to their young. These bloodlines bring outstanding qualities: hardiness, ruggedness, and the ability to thrive in difficult environments. That luxury no longer exists, and predation is a constant battle. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue. The Kensings had a friend out west who needed bucks, and that type of demand helped shape their breeding strategies. As Rosa is from Spain, they were attracted to Spanish goats and were interested in conserving a heritage breed. Here is what Joe Preston has to say about his herd, We seldom have a Nannie thatdoes not have kids. They then brought back in the grandson of the original Spanish Valera buck. Their arrival brought to Muddy Run Farm the fun and secrets of animal fiber. Contact Karen or 319-389-9647. History of the Muddy Run herd/Valera strain by Peter Schechter and Rosa Peuch, October 2008. We acknowledge a few goats that are Fullblood Spanish may get by, but we are more sure that we will keep ongoing cross-breeding out of the gene pool. Their forage included Shin Oak, Spanish Oak, and a lot of low, leafy brush. The bucklings receive the supplemental feed, as do the does at kidding time. Many of our Verified and Certified Pure Spanish Goat Breeders have other breeds of goats on their farms/ranches as well as SPANISH goats that cannot be VERIFIED due to an inability to trace/track their origins/breeder. After looking around at all the different goat varieties, we decided to get Spanish goats. They also kept Spanish goats. Herbs & minerals are mixed in preparations that are used to heal the earth. The Spanish goat Bloodline Foundation breeders agreed to close their herds to Fullblood Spanish genetics from that point forward if they had not done so already. Howdy Folks ~ the Spanish Goat Association Resource Website that was created back in 2007 by Leslie Edmundson with less than 50 Breeders has grown into a group of 283 committed Pure Spanish Goat Producers (not all choose to be listed) that want to Preserve and Promote the Pure Spanish Goat Breed! $250. The selection process for our herd is the ability to travel long distances to water and forage, medium to large frames, good legs, no excess hair, rounded horns widely spaced, good utter size for twins but not overly large that may result in injury or the inability of kids to nurse. Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears. One exceptional year boasted a 185% weaned kid crop. That buck was from the Valera strain. They enjoy the good temperaments of their goats, and the continued hardiness and cashmere production. Low to moderate input management system females are generally from 70 up to 125 pounds and bucks are from 90 to 175 pounds. He sought to breed goats with good coats, and more hair. And he wishes to say, Thanks to all of you who stuck with Spanish goats.? They have made our yard, surrounding woods and fields into a virtual parkland. The population of goats began to dwindle.The Lowcountry goats originate in the Southeast. Sparkle is a daughter of Rickman's Sugar and a granddaughter of Chief Going Streak. When Wesley Sawyer passed away, his, nieces and nephew inherited the herd and the land. Salt blocks or loose salt powder are also provided regularly.Peter and Rosa do hoof trimming approximately twice a year. Rosa is more vigilant during spring and autumn when the ground is soft.Peter and Rosa run the buck with the does year-round as they believe it's easier to keep them all together and that the herd is happier. They also nibble on the cactus. Bill also picked out one tough old, one eyed nanny goat who looked like a wise animal in an attempt to carry out the goat culture and acquired wisdom from living in the wild. Call for Price, JANUARY KIDDING- PURE SPANISH kids are now on the ground and will be available in three months, (SOLD) Pure Spanish and Kiko/Spanish Cross Bucklings, (SOLD) Pure Spanish Goat- Baylis - Low Country bloodline, (SOLD)Pure Spanish Goat- Baylis- Low Country bloodline, (SOLD) Spanish - Kiko Cross bucks for sale. Color does not factor into breeding choices at all, so the herd shows a great variety of, colors, and there are varying levels of cashmere. Joe Preston also did an annual buck test to. When the goats?feed is supplemented, Kensing uses 20% protein grain cubes and shell corn. What they don't have in height they makeup for in hardiness and parasite resistance. Color does not factor into breeding choices at all, so the herd shows a great variety ofcolors, and there are varying levels of cashmere. Joe Preston also did an annual buck test toensure that he was retaining the best meat billies possible to continue the genetics of his herd. They live on 5600 acres in the Hill Country of Texas. Their coats cover a broad rangethey sport a variety of colors and color patterns, and the guard hairs and amount of cashmere vary from goat to goat. The goats working on one of their favorites - Autumn Olive (Elaeagnus umbellata) Livestock (Inventory and Sales) We have registered and commercial Katahdin sheep (butcher lambs and replacement females and males), Spanish goats (Balyis and Kensing lines), and butcher beef and commercial bulls and females. We leave very few bulls intact so you know they're good. The Spanish Meat Goat Association has not been able to identify other Valera goats in Virginia. One day Mrs. Pape, grandchildren in tow, was horrified to find 16 kids killed by eight eagles who were perched at the water troughs. The amounts of feed given depend on the kidding and pregnancies of the herd. Swirl (left; female; SOLD) and Nutrageous (right; male) and their mom, Nestle Valera by Diane Kull This is Tillamok. Housing and Fencing . Has horns. Muddy Run Farm, set in the historic Virginia Piedmont, is home to goats, llamas, donkeys and horses. They are given a little grain in the winter, and kids are also given some grain for a strong start. Rotating pastures is on the top of our priority list, providing the best nature has to provide. They have no hoof problems, and require little maintenance in their environment. Peter Schechter and Rosa Puech of Muddy Run Farm have been breeding Spanish meat goats since 1995. As the Sawyer Bloodline has been moved out of Texas and across the country, breeders havereported back that they have had very few issues and/or challenges adapting their Sawyers out ofTexas. The Highest Standards Ensure Integrity: Verification of Seed Stock. Holtz Farms Spanish Goats About Us DNA Certified Breeders in South Alabama Holtz Farms is a 105 acre farm located in Florala, AL and we raise Spanish goats for sale in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and beyond. It is not surprising to see such words describing these breeds as hardy, adaptable, self-sufficient, thriving, foragers, genetic diversity, and disease resistance. Bill Breckinridge and Tamara Pittman-Breckinridge bought this line of Spanish goats from ranchers who brought them up from the borderlands of Mexico. Sawyer genetics can be picked out of the crowd. The does have tight udders, avoiding scratches and scrapes that prevent kids from nursing.Their original Valera buck sired the herd from 1996 until its death in 2001. Weinheimer has seen coyotes kill one third of his nannies and 100% of his kid crop in a 3-week period. So he kept his Spanish goats Fullblood, and added good stock to his herd. For those of you who have never seen one, they are indeed blue. Intelligence, quick reactions and the athletic ability to run fast determine who lives and dieseven now. Thats what the Spanish goats were foryou needed a small animal that you could eat before the meat went bad, because in the Kensings area, farms didnt have electricity until the late 1930s. We kid in February to April and we wean late June to early July. Please email Diane at February 26, 2022email. Temperatures often reach 105 or 110 degrees in the summertime, which the goats seem to enjoy. Story by Eugene Bradshaw, October 2010.Eugene Bradshaw passed away on March 9, 2014. He was awarded the 1964 Ford Foundation National Award for Sheep Production, and applied his knowledge to goats. Weather plays a large role in the Kensings?operation. Goats Need Essential Nutrition, Always Without it, a goat WILL get sick and have problems. Because of this, the herd uses a mixture of inbreeding and linebreeding, which has worked well for decades. When there are thousands of acres of pasture, pastures are hard to defend. The above description of the Koy Ranch Bloodline was written by Koy Adcock in 2009. They kept most of the original does from the original herd at the farm until their death. ?Once bred, the does are back to the brush, and resume their roles.Every year, each goat is reassessed, and bred again using the same formula. The goats are medium-sized, with does weighing in at about 80 lbs and bucks average about 120 lbs at maturity.Syfans herd consists of several groups: three groups of does, one group of bucks, a group of young bucks, and a group of young does. The goats would each eat about 5 lbs per day of this feed, and even Christmas Day would bring Gene Bode to his goats, lugging 40 sacks of feed. The Kensings also have Texas Longhorn crossbreds who are fiercely protective of their calves against any dogs that may show up. Call 303-882-6259 or garryboozer123@gmail.comPosted March 22, 2022, Alva, Florida: SGR GOLD Certified Breeder Paul Persaud at Sunsplash Farms, LLC has 2021 Pure Spanish Goat Billies available. Spanish Goats, LLC has a clear Mission: Safeguarding Genetic Diversity of the Spanish Goat Breed through Preservation and Promotion in Partnership with Spanish Goat Breeders. When a good buck can be replaced with a better buck, so be it, and the culled older bucks usually go to hunting programs where their horns are prized by hunters.Syfan sells mature does, bucks, bucklings, and a few doelings to breeders. We have 100% pure Spanish goats. Hidden Hollow Valera Price $400, Specifically bred for the superior traits in both breeds. For now, feel free to continue reading. Sometimes these other genetics will show up years later. The heavy, cashmere helps keep these goats in good body condition during the winter months. Syfan only supplements their feed in the winter months, at which time he puts out corn. Other primary selection traits are base width, depth of body, udders, testicle size, and the ability to travel long distances for food and water. They have well-water and salt blocks available, but apart from that they are on straight forage year-round. Rachel - 2 year old ewe. In the bunch we have Pure Spanish and Spanish-Kiko crosses. Sire is Samuel out of Dempsey Perkins line. Goats at Muddy Run Farm have access to pasture year round. But when visitors come to the house, their eyes are riveted on the gigantic 1860s old oak post barn. Amy and Moxy came to the farm in 2000. Verified and Certified Breeders are all listed on the BREEDER LIST PAGE. ***** Best Helpful Guide I've Seen for Goats. Call or email for more details: 917-407-0472 / February 26, 2022, New Market, Virginia: SGR GOLD Certified Breeder ~ Diane Kull has VALERA Kids available. This male and his sonwho looks exactly like the original Valera buck purchased in 1996have sired much of their present herd. History of Syfan herd by Tom Syfan, February 2008.Tom Syfan passed away on August 10, 2013. Uno is a buck with a remarkable story. The Spanish goats are in Hill Country?#151;a hilly area that is dry, rocky, and quite open, where Live Oaks, Shin Oaks, Mesquite, Yucca, and cacti grow amongst other shrubs and forage. The goats survive in rocky pastures on native forage and brush in pastures ranging from 640-1300 acres. Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears - and really big horns! Predators include mountain lions, bobcats, foxes, raccoons, and eagles, and the Adcocks have had some success in keeping them under control.The Adcocks cull heavily. Will be weaned, halter trained and ready to go in September. Oftentimes the physical evidence of crossing does not show up until later generations. Peter Schechter and Rosa Puech have been breeding Spanish meat goats since 1996, placing them amongst the most experienced goat breeders in Central Virginia. Edwin Sawyer credits Juan L Bonilla, Jr., and Preston Faris for the success of his group ofSawyer Bloodline genetics on his ranch. Any full member of The Livestock Conservancy can post unlimited free listings in the Marketplace. These suggestions are for your protection. Peter and Rosa researched the breed with the help of Virginia State University, who directed them to their first buck and two does from Irene Feltner, a retired Baltimore policewoman, in Stanardsville, VA. Feltner had brought the buck from Texas in 1991. Shurley primarily chooses Spanish goats that are structurally sound. History of Concharty Herd by Tamara Pittman-Breckinridge, 2020. Like most Spanish goats, Muddy Run goats are disease-free, sturdy, and long-living. 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