new york supreme court citation bluebook

The Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York is cited within parentheses as follows: When cited in running text, interior brackets are changed to parentheses as follows: To incorporate the name of a specific agency in the citation, see section 4.1 (b) (10). Opinions published in the online version of the New York Law Journal are cited as indicated in section 2.2 (b) (3). Determination of State Commission on Judicial Conduct. 2007-2), (NY City Dept of Bldgs Operations Policy and Procedure Notice No. When cited within parentheses, both the name of the country or state and the word "Constitution" should be abbreviated, as in the following examples: When constitutional citations appear in running text, either abbreviations or full names may be used. Titles of legal periodicals, treatises and other works and documents are set in roman. Supreme Court example: Name v. Other Name, 2001 WI 5. The name of the judges at the opening of the opinion in the majority, dissent, etc., and in the vote line at the end of the opinion are set in large and small capitals, e.g. (Bermuda Multilateral Telecommunications Agreement, 60 US Stat 1636, TIAS No. 02-07-23 [July 2002]) [Note: online opinions]. Cite to either (but not both) Westlaw or Lexis, or by case number as established by local usage. Certain courts provide jurisdictional statements that resemble summaries. Sample citations have been updated and expanded and residual style inconsistencies have been resolved. When citing in running text, convert interior brackets to parentheses. In Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of New York, 366 N.E.2d 1271 (N.Y. 1977), the court applied the diminution in value rule. . Use an ellipsis followed by a period to indicate one or more words omitted at the end of a quoted sentence if the quoted portion that remains is an independent clause (last quoted word . Rich, Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, 2011 Electronic Update, Limited Liability Company Law at part 3.8), (Patrick M. Connors, 2013 Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR 3012-b, 2014 Pocket Part at 18). Home; Current State Court Abbreviations; . (Rules of Ct of Appeals [22 NYCRR] 500.1 [g]. The judgment convicted defendant, upon a jury verdict, of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the second degree. [for Judicial Hearing Officer]. In accordance with standard authorities, revised rules clarify that pertinent court and jurisdictional information should be included with full case citations (1.1 [a]) and that using full names of authors of secondary authority is preferred (7.1 [b]). 1973 = date of the case decision . West's New York Supplement N.E., N.E.2d, or N.E.3d (p.279) 4. Months should be spelled out when part of a textual sentence in footnotes. Effective January 1, 2014, the Oklahoma Supreme Court is the official publisher of its own cases and cases from the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals. Rule 10.2 applies to both case names in textual sentences and citations and is divided into two sub-rules, designated rules 10.2.1 and 10.2.2. Learn. constitutional citations within parentheses. . 4th. ), dated February 28, 2002 and March 14, 2002. Appeal from an order and judgment (one paper) of the Supreme Court, New York County (Ira Gammerman, J. Commercial statutory compilations often provide commentaries, statutory histories, reviser's notes, etc., following a statute or in an appendix. Official Reports and United States Supreme Court decisions and to research citation history for decisions published in the Third Series of the New York Official Reports (2004 to date): The New York Official Reports Citator provides the approved "cite-as" case name, official book citation, slip opinion citation, decision date, court, Judge and docket number for each decision. ), entered September 15, 2000, in favor of defendant. These opinions are collected in series of books called reporters. . Court opinions have a special citation format, based on the court issuing the opinion and where you find the opinion. . Knight v. State, Del. This citation is served upon you as required by law. art. The Style Manual provides a guide for opinion writers and editors in five primary areas: citation, abbreviation, capitalization, quotation, and word style and usage. If the beginning of the succeeding sentence is omitted, insert an ellipsis after the period that concludes the preceding sentence (last word of preceding sentence. This rule may require redaction of the names of witnesses or other nonparties who are referenced in text. Use the firm or legal organization name and individual names of appearing attorneys, unless only the firm or legal organization name(s) or attorney(s) name(s) is available. Bluebook: D'Allesandro v. . The modification consisted of denying that portion of defendant's motion seeking dismissal on federal preemption and primary jurisdiction grounds. Title 1 of article 3 of the RPTL provides . Appeal, by permission of the Court of Appeals, from an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, entered December 28, 1995. Appeal from a judgment of the Onondaga County Court (Laura Maher, J. . 1, 2011]). Where the form of statutory citation omits the section symbol (e.g. . 39 [9 NYCRR 5.39]), (NY Senate Debate on Senate Bill S2850, Mar. Reference to specific types of firearms should appear in the form that follows: Reference to sex offender risk levels, prison disciplinary hearings, attorney disciplinary charges and state retirement tiers should appear as follows: tier 3 [Note: New York State retirement level]. For example: In the Matter of S.M., Petitioner, v M.M., Respondent. Place the citation in the footnote and eliminate the parentheses enclosing the citation. The judgment granted the petition and directed that petitioner's sentences be served concurrently. Tax Law 1132 (e) and 1139 (a) and 20 NYCRR 534.7 provide . Appellate motion decisions published online but not in the print Official Reports are cited as indicated in section 2.2 (b) (2). . 9. Citation to the New York State Supreme Court (Note to non-New York readers, if any: This is a trial court. In addition, if a suit is brought "on Behalf" of an entity or "by" a representative, official or guardian, this should be so designated. Capitalize in accordance with standard authorities, except as noted below. Some suggested forms of ascending hierarchy citations in running text are as follows: Town Law 199 (1) (a) and (3) provide . A number of opinions not selected for full publication in the Miscellaneous Reports are published in abstract form in the printed Miscellaneous 3d Reports and in full text in the Slip Opinion Service and online Official Reports. APPENDIX 2 ABBREVIATION OF CASE LAW REPORTS The citation is read: 410 = Volume 410 of the . ), entered September 7, 2001. United States Supreme Court Reports, Lawyer's Edition First Series, L.E. Consider, for example, the following citation: New York Times Co. v. Tasini, 533 U.S. 483 (2001) The elements are . B. PDF; WHAT AND WHY? Appellant and Respondent. Likewise, a quotation within a quotation within a quotation may be enclosed within double quotation marks ("). Appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, New York County (Louis York, J. The Code of Federal Regulations is cited within parentheses as follows: Include date if greater precision is required, as follows: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure rule 4 (b), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure rule 8 (a), Federal Rules of Evidence rule 804 (b) (6), Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure rule 9007, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure rule 10. . ), entered January 16, 2001, and (2) the judgment entered upon the order. A. . An example of a proper Supreme Court citation using the Manual is: Brown v Bd of Ed of Topeka, Shawnee Cty, Kan, 347 US 483, 489-90; 74 S Ct 686, 689; 98 L Ed 873 (1954). Compound words may be open (separate words, no hyphen), closed (spelled as one word) or hyphenated. Besides, the department, district, or county is always . 3-2011 of the County of Nassau [Note: use the numbering format used by the municipality. . In the Matter of Kaitlyn S. and Another, Children Alleged to be Abused). 1963.Periodical. Advisory committee notes, statutory, 3.1 (c), "Affirmed," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); 2.2 (a) (6); Appendix 3, Amended statutes, citation of, 3.1 (b) (3), American Law Reports (ALR) annotations, 7.5, Amicus Curiae, appearance of counsel as, 9.2, Animal breeds, capitalization of, 10.1 (o), Appellate Division, rules of, 4.1 (b) (3), Attorney disciplinary charges, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (7), Attorney General, appearance of counsel by, 9.6, Branches of government, capitalization of, 10.1 (d), Building Code, New York City, 4.1 (b) (9), Building Code, New York State, 4.1 (b) (8), Business firms, abbreviation of in case names, Appendix 1, Case law reports, abbreviation of, Appendix 2, Code of Professional Responsibility, citation of, 4.1 (b) (6), Commission and agency documents and materials, 2.4 (b), Consecutive sections of statute, 3.1 (b) (2), Consolidated statutes, forms of, Appendix 4, Court of decision, abbreviations, 2.2 (a) (7), Disabilities, describing persons with, 12.5, Distances, use of symbols for, 10.2 (b) (2), Dollar amounts, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (2), Ellipsis, omitted material in quotations, 11.1 (c), Federal cases, citation of, 2.3 (a); 2.3 (b), "Federal Government," capitalization of, 10.1, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, 4.2 (b) (5), Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, 4.2 (b) (4), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 4.2 (b) (1), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, 4.2 (b) (2), Given names and initials, individuals, 8.1 (d); 10.4 (b), Insurance Department Regulations, 4.1 (b) (10), Italicization, 1.4; 2.0; 7.0; 13.7; Appendix 5, Judicial history of cases (see History of cases), Jurisdiction, indication of in citations, 1.1 (a); 2.2, Latin words, italicization of, 12.3 (c); 13.7; Appendix 5, Legislation (see Session Laws and Unconsolidated Laws, Statutes), Legislative and other materials, 3.1 (f); 3.2 (c), Measurements, use of symbols for, 10.2 (b) (2), "Modified," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); 2.2 (a) (6); Appendix 3, Multiple statutes, citation of, 3.1 (b) (2), National Reporter System (see Unofficial reports), New York Law Journal, citation to, 2.2 (b) (3), Non-attorney, appearance of counsel by, 9.3 (a); 9.3 (b), Nonstatutory material in statutory compilations, 3.1 (c), Numbered items, capitalization of, 10.1 (p), Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of State of New York, 4.1 (a), Opposing citations, introductory signals to, 1.4, Ordinances, capitalization of, 10.1 (j) (1), Periods, use of to punctuate quotations, 11.1 (b); 11.1 (c) (2), Personnel Rules and Regulations, New York City, 4.1 (b) (1), Pinpoint page citations, 1.3; 2.2 (a) (2); 2.2 (a) (3), Pluralization of case name abbreviations, Appendix 1, Point page citations (see Pinpoint page citations), Popular names of acts and constitutional clauses, capitalization of, 10.1 (j) (2), Previously cited authority, reference to, 1.3, Prisoner disciplinary hearings, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (7), Public domain citations, 2.3 (c) (4); Appendix 2 (D), References to previously cited cases, 1.3, Regional names, capitalization of, 10.1 (n), Rent statutes and regulations, 4.1 (b) (7), Repealed New York statutes, style and abbreviation of, Appendix 4, Reporter, citing out-of-state cases by name of, 2.3 (c) (3), "Reversed," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); 2.2 (a) (6); Appendix 3, "Reversing," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); Appendix 3, Rules of Professional Conduct, citation of, 4.1 (b) (6), Session Laws and Unconsolidated Laws, 3.1 (d), Sex offender risk levels, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (7), "State of," inclusion in titles, 10.1 (c), String citations, 2.2 (a) (6); 3.1 (b) (2), Subsequent case history, 2.2 (a) (5); Appendix 3, Superseded New York statutes, style and abbreviation, Appendix 4, Supporting citations, introductory signals to, 1.4, Supreme Court of the United States cases, 2.3 (a), Treaties and international agreements, 6.0, Uniform Rules for New York State Trial Courts, 4.1 (b) (5), United States Supreme Court cases, 2.3 (a), Unofficial reports, citation of, 2.2 (b); 2.3; 2.4, Vendor neutral citations, 2.3 (c) (4); Appendix 2 (D), New York State Law Reporting Bureau17 Lodge Street, Albany NY 12207phone: (518) 453-6900fax: (518) 426-1640. Kathleen M. Rice, as District Attorney of the County of Nassau, Plaintiff, v Milton Bialostok, Defendant. [Note: The Respondents in the above example are separately listed because the first Respondents are parties to the appeal and consequently are named, whereas the second Respondent is not participating in the appeal and thus is unnamed. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. California Supreme Court: This is the state's highest court, and when possible you should use cases from this court because they have the highest level of authority on California law. "Forty-five men were injured in the battle"). The order denied objections of the New York City Department of Social Services to an order of that court (Michael J. Fondacaro, H.E. . No response is required if you consent to the petition. Either the full name or the abbreviated name may be used in running text. . . County . When citing Supreme Court cases, you must cite to the official Supreme Court reporter, United States Reports. LexisNexis Academic. Reargument of an appeal, taken by permission of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, from an order of that Court, entered April 5, 2011. The most noteworthy of the changes found in this Manual are: The Style Manual's section on omitting or altering language in quoted material has been reordered for clarity and revised to allow for more precise use of ellipses, to clarify the style where language is both altered and omitted and to provide guidance where emphasis is omitted. In a footnote containing text, citations in running text or within parentheses may be used. 9. Proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78 (initiated in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Fourth Judicial Department pursuant to CPLR 506 [b] [1]) to prohibit respondents from trying petitioner in the Erie County Court on an indictment charging him with murder in the first degree. at 6 (D. Mass. Example: Mercy Hospital and Medical Center v. . Do not include optional information in references to previously cited authority. [for Special Referee], (Smith, J.H.O.) The order adjudicated appellant a juvenile delinquent, upon a fact-finding determination that appellant had committed acts which, if committed by an adult, would have constituted the crimes of conspiracy in the sixth degree and attempted hazing in the first degree, and placed him in the custody of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services for a period of 12 months, with credit for time spent in detention pending disposition. A website itself or specific content on a website may be cited. 2. Assistance is available in WordPerfect by selecting "Help" from the menu at the top of the page and in Word by pressing the F1 key on the keyboard. Recurrent style inconsistencies have been addressed for pinpoint citation of single page decisions (2.2 [a] [2]) and the description of divisions of a statute in running text (3.1 [b] [1] [b]). Cal. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is a legal style guide. Some suggested forms of statutory citations in running text are as follows: Section 199 of the Town Law provides . Citations in the traditional format of the Official Reports are embedded in the text of the opinion using citations in running text ( 1.2 [b]) or within parentheses ( 1.2 [c]). [F]irst quoted word of next sentence). Roman numerals may be used alone or with text as a heading to delineate paragraphs or sections of an opinion. The official reporter is the United States Reports (US) and the two unofficial, parallel reporters are the. In the second example the case is in the U.S. Supreme Court, thus the name of the state, here Florida, is the name of the party. Republic National Bank, Appellant, v Sylvia Greenwald et al., Defendants, and Public Equities Corp. et al., Respondents. . ), entered January 31, 2000. Proceedings Transferred to the Appellate Division. New York City Health Code (24 RCNY) __. : Urban Development Corporation Act, Emergency Tenant Protection Regulations, Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Bedford. Year of decision. Office of Reporter of Decisions STYLE SHEET Effective July 03, 2018, and Subject to Revision. In appeal statements, use the full name of the judge. The appeal brings up for review an order of that court, entered March 3, 2000, which granted plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment, denied defendant's cross motion for summary judgment dismissing the complaint and granted third-party defendant's cross motion for summary judgment dismissing the third-party complaint. *P.2d refers to Pacific Reporter 2nd. I anticipate that this aspect of the Style Manual will only continue to develop. The determination found that the Unified Court System had committed an improper employer practice. ), rendered July 27, 1999. Opinions. There is no space between adjacent single-letter abbreviations used in either case names or titles of actions and proceedings. Omit the words "the Application of" and "for a judgment under CPLR article 78" in CPLR article 78 proceeding titles. ), entered December 20, 2000. Recovery under Labor Law 200 and 240 is conditioned upon . . The general rules of parenthetical and running text citation should be observed when referring to out-of-state statutes. . See the word list at Appendix 5. Also keep in mind that questions are not related to each other unless otherwise noted. (Rules of Ct of Appeals [22 NYCRR] 510.1 [a]. Find the Official Reports "cite-as" case name for United States Supreme Court decisions with the Case Citation Finder available . Additional or revised forms of citation have been provided for commission and agency documents and materials (2.4 [b] [1]); statutes (3.1 - 3.3; Appendix 4); regulations, court rules and jury instructions (4.1 - 4.2); legal periodicals, treatises and other works (7.2 - 7.6); and legal documents such as transcripts, exhibits, affirmations and affidavits. . The 2012 Edition recognizes the further migration of legal research from print to electronic formats by providing guidance on the elements of electronic citation generally (1.5) and adding source specific rules and sample citations for electronic services (2.4 [a]); Internet material (2.4 [a] [3]; 7.1 [[d]); CD-ROM material (7.3 [c]); New York Law Journal and other online decisions (2.2 [a] [8]; 2.2 [b] [2], [3]); and e-books (7.9). Spaces are inserted between the section number and each subsequent subdivision cited as follows: The following model titles are merely illustrative. Respondent was admitted to the bar on April 24, 1974 at a term of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department. According to the Reviser's Notes (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 58A, SCPA 2226 [now 2227] at 292 [1967 ed]) . reporter, citing out-of-state cases by name of. . Citations within parentheses may be referenced as in the examples below: The clear and convincing evidence standard was not met here (, The facts in this decision are not unusual (. ), which granted defendant's motion to dismiss the complaint pursuant to CPLR 3211 (a) (2). Supply case name information where applicable. Place the footnote number at the point where the parenthetical citation would appear if the parenthetical citation were placed in the body of the opinion.

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