neptune apex optical sensor programming
would be a good outputs to have turn OFF if a leak is detected by the probe(s). For example, if a heater has the following programming, and the water temperature is 77.9 F, heres how the Apex will decide what to do: In this example, the Apex turns on the heater output because the last line that evaluated as True was the first line. This tells the output to remain Off for at least 60 minutes. But I'm sure I could pimp out my programming a bit more on existing items! Note: Your return pump, ATO pumps, etc. -----END REPORT-----. The third line disables the Swabbie from running if my skimmer is off. The Leak Detection Kit includes 2 Solid Surface Leak Detection Probes. If Time 08:00 to 08:02 Then ON YzEzNWM4NWIxMjA0Zjg0NjRiMzdkOWI5YTJiMTljZmY2OTU3MmFiNGNjZDU3 You are limited to 12 characters, and the name must be unique within your list of outputs, inputs, and module names. Apex Classic owners: You cannot rename inputs using APEX Fusion. After running the Fusion ATK setup task, the output connected to the PMUP contains this programming: In the above example using If Time where we need the output to turn on for less than 2 minutes, but If Time cant do that, so the Defer delay was used to prevent the output from turning on until the 1 minute delay elapsed. Earn 23,085 Reward Points, Earn 1,239 Reward Points Apex Power Supply PS12 $1595 Shipping calculated at checkout. If Output Alert_2Part = ON Then ON Before running the ATK setup, I highly recommend renaming your FMM module and each of the optical sensors (and any other sensors you might add to the remaining two ports on the FMM) so when you run the setup task, the names of modules and sensors presented to you for selection are obvious. The ACC port is not used for a basic LDK installation. If . NmU0NWE1NzZjMjA5OTdiOTIwMWQxMjFjMjQyODhhMjdlMjNjMDY3OTk1ZTVm 16.38 . Also just watched the sump level as the Klir filter advances to see the range. Apex Controller Kits Neptune Systems Lighting Neptune Systems Pumps Apex Modules Apex Probes Neptune Systems LLS Liquid Level Sensor Starting at $44.95 In stock Add to Cart Neptune Systems MOS Magnetic Optical Sensor $39.95 In stock Add to Cart Neptune Systems LD-3 Optical Multi-Surface Leak Sensor $39.95 In stock Add to Cart So far in this series we have focused a lot on programming outputs that turn on or turn off devices plugged into Energy Bars. Again, the most common example of Min Time is for the ATO pump. Protect your aquarium and your home In those situations, a virtual output can be used to trigger the alarm, but then turn itself off so the alarm doesnt repeat every hour. OWJlNTUwNzgwNmUxMDkyOTRmMzMzOWEzZTliMDVkYTBhZjJlMzc0ZmUyZjM1 If Float1 Open Then ON You cannot create or delete them, but you can rename them and assign settings to them, Give the profile a descriptive name, and set the type of lights. If ATK_HI CLOSED Then OFF YjM3MmQ5OWUxNzYzZDRhNDcxZDA2M2IwYzJkMTNkNjcyNmFjZTgzMjFlNzI4 Announcing the BRAND NEW Orphek Atlantik iCon! It's so thoughtful of you to do this, I plan on getting one soon so your posts will be extremely helpful. The state of an output is not changed until all lines of programming are evaluated. However, if you decide to rename a component later, any existing programming will be automatically updated to reflect the new name. In our final tutorial tomorrow Ill cover Lunar Schedules and Lighting Profiles. The Apex has built-in schedules for lunar cycles. Earn 17,835 Reward Points, Earn 889 Reward Points In this example, the If Time command is true from 12:00 to 12:59, but the DOW command will evaluate True only on Saturday since thats the only placeholder not replaced with a hyphen. But if you do make a shot that hits the rim but doesnt go in, the shot clock is reset and you have another 24 seconds to try again. While Neptunes documentation walks you through the ATK setup, they dont really provide a lot of information about the resulting programming created by the Fusion ATK Setup task. If Time 10:00 to 10:01 Then ON DOW is particularly useful when combined with the If Time command. Added a virtual output named Maintenance to disable the ATK while Im conducting maintenance. Defer 005:00 Then OFF, Fallback OFF NDgyYjJiY2JiYjI5ODZlZjJjZmRiNTIxYTdmZjFjMDNjZmY3MGRmNTQ4MjU0 Below are links to buy them.0:00 Intro2:18 Price3:25 How to set it up9:16 My Review of the product12:09 Want me to figure out a cheaper option?Sensor alone: with Magnet: Module: Earn 7,185 Reward Points, Earn 1,189 Reward Points Feed Cycles must be activated manually by clicking on the buttons in Fusion. Earn 3,135 Reward Points, Earn 104 Reward Points How to. New . For example: This would turn on the output every day except for Tuesday and Thursday. The skimmer waits an additional 5 minutes due to its Defer timer, allowing the sump water level to return to normal before turning on. | Neptune Apex Setup Guide BRStv - Saltwater Aquariums & Reef Tanks 24K views 2 years ago Vlog 40: Two Vats, One Pump - the. You cannot specify the same value for the start and end times, so 10:00 to 10:00 is invalid. MTIyZGY1ZjQ1NGFjOWMxNmM4NjEwNmZlMGQ4OWE3NmYzNTIxOGZhMGY1NTRi Also available with an Optical Sensor Magnetic Mount. IMPORTANT LEAK DETECTION PROBE PLACEMENT NOTES. You should see the SWX#_y switch on the APEX Local Dashboard (for Apex 2016) or the Classic Dashboard (for Apex Classic models) change from OPEN to CLOSED. Earn 1,560 Reward Points, Earn 27 Reward Points Ive used them many times, and I know Ill be using them many more. (wow, I just got an alarm about my 2-part container being lowperfect timing to describe an example of a non-critical alarm that doesnt need to nag me every hour). In this video I explain how to set up and use the OS-1 Optical Level Sensor V2 by Neptune Systems in your Apex Fusion dashboard. These sensors are sold individually. Just got my Apex and was setting it up. Recalling from our Timers tutorial, the Defer timer is used to prevent false alarms due to ripples on the liquid surface inadvertently triggering the optical sensor (in my case, if I accidentally bump the container when its nearly low, but not quite at the sensor yet). Skip to content. YjQ2ZmRiZTVkY2EwYTExMWQ0YjE3NmM1OTA2YTNmYTQ0NDNjNjVhY2Q0OGFm I tend to place Defer and When commands at the end for ease of reading and troubleshooting. If I can put in a plug for a subject, how about setting the DoS up for water changes? I got some good news at work yesterday so it looks like I'll be bringing home more $$ and the first thing that came to mind was now I can buy an Apex First, we will program our email alarm output. Add lines for Swx#_3 and/orSwx#_4 if you have additional leak detection probes. If ATK_LO OPEN Then ON The last line in the programming that evaluates as True will decide the state of the output. We Also Recommend Sold Out Apex Controller System I also add my tank sitter to the list before Im going out of town, and then remove her from the list when I return. If you manually set an output to ON or OFF, it will remain in that state until you manually change it. I stumbled my way through the basic setupandlearned a lot about advanced programming through trial and error while my tank was still cycling. Paste as plain text instead, If Moon 000/-060 Then ON - Turn on at moonrise, and off 60 minutes before moonset by using a negative number, Timers: OSC, If Time, DOW, Defer, When, and Min Time,,,,,,, The Neptune Systems Apex Lunar Simulator Module (LSM) can be used with anyNeptune Systems Apex LSM Lunar LED Strings. Like the Defer commands, When may be placed anywhere in the list of programming lines. If FeedB 005 Then OFF This will cause the return pump and skimmer to turn off immediately. Neptune Apex PMUP V2 Stand with Optical Eye Holder - 3D Printed - Reef Safe . $100.00 + $10.00 shipping . If Moon 000/000 Then ON Contact us today to start your advertisement! They cannot be activated programmatically. JavaScript is disabled. In general, its always best to list the conditions that would turn ON and output first, then one by one list conditions that might turn it off. Since the filter is at a point if there was no particle concentration in the water it would never advance and the water level would stay more or less stable in the sump other than just evaporation. Although it was first launched a number of years back, it still runs the latest Apex Fusion cloud software and is an incredible value. This sensor can be used for constructing your own ATO (auto-top-off), as a high-level warning sensor in your sump, water storage level sensor, and much more. If during that 2 hour timer the sump is refilled and ATK_LO changes to CLOSED, then the Defer timer is reset. Using meaningful names will make programming and troubleshooting much easier, so I highly recommend renaming each component as the first step before you do any programming. Amps shows no fluctuations but watts do. With the new features of the EB832, Neptune provides a new collection of Inputs for each outlet on the EB832 which can be configured to send alerts when outside a specified range of values without any need for programming. Providing enhanced control of alarm programming. If Output Maintenance = ON Then OFF Remember that the Defer statements cause a delay before turning the pump on (for 10 seconds) or (off for 4 seconds). This tutorial will explain each line of code, how to troubleshoot the ATK, and how to modify and enhance the programming for additional features. If it doesn't move any water, verify the 24v power adapter is firmly plugged in to the FMM and that it has power. Here is how I have my power cords connected: Stay tuned for tomorrow's tutorial on Virtual Outputs. If Output Alert_FW_HI = ON Then ON Add the same statements for each connected leak detection probe as you did for the email alarm output. Thank you for taking the time to make this sensible and logical. ZjNmMjg3MjVkZjE2Mjg5MzRlMzQ2NGExNjg4N2UwMzg1YTM1YjEwMTZmZjNk This sensor plugs into your FMM and, using reflected infrared light, will signal your Apex when it changes state from being wet to dry or dry to wet. If so, you could leverage this new sensor to know when the Klir has released the water, and program the ATK pump and high sensor to wait a specified amount of time for the water level to return to normal before activating the ATK pump or alerts. Go into the FMM module settings, click Configure, then confirm outlets 1 and 2 are both detected as Optical Sensors: Wipe off your optical sensors if they are dirty. Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para ofrecer nuestros servicios y recoger informacin estadstica. Heres how to program a one-time alert using a virtual output named Alert_2Part: This single virtual output is checking both my alkalinity container and calcium container. Outstanding job! Entdecke 3D-gedruckter Neptun COR15 COR20 Pumpeneinlassschutz in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Defer 005:00 Then ON, If Moon [+/-] [DELAY] / [+/-] [DELAY] Then [ON/OFF/PROFILE], If Moon 000/000 Then ON - Turn on at moonrise, and off at moonset Earn 13,335 Reward Points, Earn 1,539 Reward Points Over the past year Ive become much more comfortable and proficient in Apex programming, and I've become a frequent contributor on the Neptune Community Forums and Neptunes Apex Community Facebook group where I do my best to help answer questions posted by other confused users. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. I will order a sensor since I can always use an extra if this doesnt work. I was wondering why Neptune does not put out something like this. If you want to boost my ego, you can view it and rate the article! Lets look at an example for turning off an EnergyBar outlet if a leak or water on the floor is detected. If FeedA 000 Then 1 If you want your Neptune AFS auto feeder to run with no manual intervention, then you can configure the AFS by clicking the gear icon above the AFS tile on your dashboard: After saving these settings, you can see the underlying code for the AFS by changing its Control Type to Advanced: However, while this automates the AFS, it does not give you control over your powerheads, pumps, or skimmer. Turns off powerheads, skimmer, and sets return pump to 1% for 5 minutes. NGMifQ== When On > 010:00 Then OFF, Set OFF Core equipment can be used alone, as part of a purpose-built solution, or all together in an If Tmp > 78.0 Then OFF To get started, the Apex lunar schedule needs to be configured to correspond with the date of the new moon each month. Thanks so much for your help and quick response. So I got the sensor but it wont fit in the Klir tray. Click the Apex menu at the top, then click Misc, Select Day of New Moon from the Setup dropdown. Providing a master On/Off switch to easily turn off a number of devices with a single click. Heres an example: Now when the vFeed output is set to AUTO, it will turn on at 8am and 5pm for 2 minutes each. Set ON This master On/Off switch is by far the simplest usage for virtual outputs. I refer to them constantly to understand Apex logic. Please enter your email address below to receive a password reset link. MmEwM2E0YWNkNmY5ZDMxMWJhYWJhZjJjZjljMjk2OWRkZmI0YTBiZDMwOTk4 If after 3 seconds the float switch reports Closed, then the timer is reset to 10 seconds. 2. If you got that message while youre at a movie theater, you probably wouldnt rush right home and instead you'dstay to see the movie credits and any blooper scenes. SuncrestReef, June 1, 2019 in Equipment. ZTgyOTMzN2Q4ZTU5MmNkZjc2YTE2Mjc1YTBmMjc3MGRmZWI5NzFlNTI4NjBh How can I wire the klir motor to apex? After this period, the ATK_Lo and ATK_Hi would be ignored/off until the next trigger of the filter dump. Defer is particularly useful when basing an output on the reading of a probe or sensor. MTRlZjkxYmFiYzAyY2VmYWMzMDRkMmRjZDQ2OTE0YmZhNDdiZjEzMjg2ODhm Neptune Apex PMUP V1 Stand w. Optical Sensor Mount . The FMM (Fluid Monitoring Module) is a multi-purpose device that, with the help of various accessories, enables your Apex to do: With the various flow monitoring sensors you can monitor the flow inside the pipes of your return pump, emergency drains, reactor pumps, RODI feed, and much more. When you first connect your FMM you will have five new tiles on your Apex Fusion Dashboard. So weird! When On > 003:00 Then OFF In this Get Started Guide well show how to configure the FMM as a leak detection module. Defer 000:10 Then OFF EB832 output power values in programming*, Enter your energy cost in kWh from your utility bill. This sensor plugs into your FMM and, using reflected infrared light, will signal your Apex when it changes state from being wet to dry or dry to wet. Defer 000:10 Then OFF The sensors can be mounted into custom brackets or through a hole in a vessel. If your timer values added together are evenly divisible into 1440 (24 hours), then your output will always come on at the same times each day. The moment before the Klir cycles would correspond to the lowest level in the sump and then correspondingly it would go to the highest level once it releases. If ATK_HI CLOSED Then OFF The problem is defining what is normal. The kit contains of the Fluid Monitoring Module and two LD-2 leak detection probes. Inputs and Outputs can be displayed on the Apex or Fusion dashboard as tiles. Neptune Apex PMUP V1 Stand and Optical Eye Holder - 3D Printed - Reef Safe . If Float1 Open Then ON Defer 000:10 Then ON, Set OFF Probes may have names up to 6 characters long, and may include upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, dash (-) or underscore (_). You can post now and register later. Upload or insert images from URL. If Output vSMP_Lo = ON Then ON I have made the following changes to my ATK programming: Here is my customized ATK_PMUP outputcode: That's all for today. However, in this next example the water temperature is still 77.9 F, but there is an additional condition to be evaluated: In this example, we have a virtual output named Maintenance that we turned on while performing routine maintenance on the tank. If your ATK isnt working as expected, here are some basic troubleshooting tips: Manually move the PMUP slider to the ON position to confirm the PMUP powers on and pumps water. The filter advances and immediately the water that was held up in the filter tray causes a rise in the pump section which triggers the alarm. After dumping frozen water bottles into your tank, youll also eventually notice that your skimmer is also full even though you didn't get a notification about it. Set OFF ZmRiM2MyMGMxYjgzYmI4YWIwNWFlMWE1ZDBiNDc1NDBhNGNhZTlhMzI1MjM4 Creating an ocean in your living room and keeping it alive for years to come is a complex task and it takes a community with different skills to come together to support each other. The output programming is only active when the output is set to AUTO, and the state of the output will be displayed above the tile: This brief introduction only touches on the main points of Apex programming. Mzc5ZDViZjEyMzQyODI1Iiwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiNGRlMDQwNWQ1Y2FlZThl 6325 Sandburg Road, Suite 400 Golden Valley, MN 55427. Click on the Expand Icon and then the Outputs Icon on your Apex Fusion Dashboard, then select the email output its default name is EmailAlm_I5. After 5 minutes the vFeed output turns off due to its Defer timer, so the powerheads and return pump comeback on after giving the food time to settle in the tank. In Fusion, click the down arrow next to your username at the upper right, then click Settings, To add a recipient, click the plus sign icon at the upper right. I know several programming languages and yet still, trying to accomplish things in Apex befuddles me at times. Here are some examples: In general, you should only run the bare minimum devices on battery power. I add an optical sensor to my existing apex based ato to act as my primary sensor. Click on the Expand Icon and then the Outputs Icon on your ApexFusion Dashboard then select either the audible alarm output (the default name is SndAlm_I6) or the audible warning output (the default name is SndWrn_I7). If Tmp > 78.2 Then OFF, If Tmp < 78.0 Then ON Set OFF Using our ATO pump example from above, here we add the When command. Free . Neptune apex fmm optical sensor ato - YouTube I add an optical sensor to my existing apex based ato to act as my primary sensor. I will also have the situation where the level in the filter tray hasnt risen enough to trigger the Klir to advance the fleece but holding up a volume of water. Defer 000:10 Then ON It has Wi-Fi built-in and includes temp, pH, ORP, and salinity monitoring with many useful and tank-saving features. If you have an account, sign in with your email address. Click the orange cloud (Update) button when done. If ATK_LO OPEN Then ON So well written and explained and so happens I am transferring ATK to my new tank, and will use this as a reminder of the install. After accessing the Classic Dashboard, go to Configuration->Probe/Input setup, select the desired input from the drop-down menu, then rename it. Optical Level Sensor (OS-1) This sensor plugs into your FMM and, using reflected infrared light, will signal your Apex when it changes state from being wet to dry or dry to wet. Another tip for If Time is that you can span midnight with your start and end time. . They are going to publish each topic as articles spread over several weeks. Heres how I use mine: This is accomplished by adding the following line to each output youd like off during the Feed Cycle: For example, the powerheads are turned off with this code: For the skimmer, I need it to wait for the sump water level to return to normal after the return pump has been off. Defer 000:10 Then ON If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. That would give plenty of time for the level to equlibrate, the PMUP to do its thing if water is called for, and not long enough for the filter to blind enough to appreciably change the sump level. 2. In this example, the output register is set to ON if the moon is visible, but its turned OFF if the time is between 7am - 9pm. It seems to cycle over a 30-40 minute period. MTk2MjE3MzMxNzg0ZmVhMmZkM2RjN2Q4MGM1OWU5N2FjYmRhZWQ3YWI5Y2Ey FeedD Feeding fish with Auto Feeder. . I hope this tutorial will give you a jump start to skip over the initial problems most people experience. This was very helpful and sorted out my issues. Si sigue navegando, aceptas su instalacin y uso. ZGRmMzgyZDE5Y2I4Zjc3OGVkNGY4OWQzYjA0Yzc0Mjg2MjBlMDkwOTNmMjVi On my Radion outputs, I just add a line to switch to the moon lighting: I will cover this topic in more detail on Sunday with our Lunar Schedule and Lighting Profiles tutorial. Any line of code that evaluates as True will trigger the alarm. The best way to avoid excess notifications is to use a virtual output with its own programming including a timer, and then use that virtual outputs state in your alarm programming. Reef2Reef published the first installment of my tutorials today, and they'll publish one topic each Friday for the next 8 weeks. All of you here at PNWMAS get to binge read all the topics this week, while the R2R audience will just have to wait. NDAzYjJjZWE4MGVjOWQzNjI4Y2RlOTEyNmY0OWQ3N2Y3OWU4MjE1MTlmY2U3 The program is above the dashed line, and the last line to evaluate as True dictates how to set the output state. If Output Alert_FUG_Hi = ON Then ON Defer 120:00 Then ON, Set OFF Virtual outputs are really useful! Click the Apex menu at the neptune apex optical sensor programming for ease of reading and troubleshooting for Tuesday Thursday. Posts will be automatically updated to reflect the new name my power cords connected: Stay tuned for tomorrow tutorial. The state of an output is not changed until all lines of lines... Code that evaluates as True will decide the state of the Fluid Monitoring and. Port is not changed until all lines of programming are evaluated return pump ATO! Led Strings the new name publish each topic as articles spread over weeks! Of devices with a single click a hole in a plug for a basic LDK installation you will five! 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Please enter your email address power Supply PS12 $ 1595 Shipping calculated at checkout neptune apex optical sensor programming problem is what!, and they 'll publish one topic each Friday for the start and end Time Schedules.
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